Open Mornings and Evening: October 2023
Open Mornings: Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th, Thursday 12th and Friday 13th October, 9.30-11.00 am
Parents and students are welcome to attend our open mornings. Attendance is by prior booking using the link below. We do ask that in order for us to manage numbers, if possible one parent per child attends. The school will be in normal operation and tours will be conducted by year 11 prefects.
Open Morning Sign Up Form
Open evening: Wednesday 11th October 5.30-8pm
All individual subject departments will be open and subject staff on hand to talk and answer questions. The school leadership team and pastoral teams will also be on hand to answer any questions. Talks will be given by Mr Doust, the Headteacher at 5.45 and 6.45 pm
Early Closure Wednesday 11th October. Please note the school day will finish at the earlier time of 2.15pm on Wednesday 11th October in readiness for the open evening. All buses and taxis have been notified.